Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Well Shit.

Remember that one time Sullivan was allergic to his hypoallergenic formula?  It was a rough 24 hours in the Olson house...

Poor little guy ended up in urgent care Monday night and then at his pediatricians first thing Tuesday morning as we quickly realized his mysterious hives were being caused by Nutramigen.  And this baby.  He was covered in enormous blistering hives, and he slept and he giggled and he played peek-a-boo and he didn't so much as grimace.

When Dr. Good walked in I said, "Hope you're ready to problem solve, he is allergic to the hypoallergenic formula," and he laughed at me and said, "Blair, no one is allergic to nutramigen."  But he quickly took that back and said in his 28 years as a pediatrician he had never seen it, but Sullivan was his first.  Fantastic.  We are trying a new formula now and he seems to be doing better, no hives, but it is going to cost $700 a month.  Quite a doozy.  They also did a blood test to try to pin point the allergy.  In the meantime, we are holding off on starting solids and I'm thinking it might be time to get myself a prescription for Lorazepam again.  I have never known anxiety like the fear of not being able to feed your baby.  And I am tormented by it over and over again.

Mom is freaking out.  Sullivan is hamming it up.  Typical.

Renae + Sullivan in Urgent Care.  Sullivan had his first two teeny tiny hives at Renae's, I told her I would let her know how the night went after picking him up.  I texted her to say we were in urgent care and within 15 minutes she was there.  What in the world are we going to do without her?

I know people still think we over-exaggerate the pure insanity of trying to get care in Albuquerque, but here you go.  The cherry on top, weeks from our departure.  The doctor at urgent care prescribed Sullivan steroids to take once a day for three days.  This was what was on the bottle when I picked it up from the pharmacy.  Will someone please explain to me what "every food" means?