Sunday, July 24, 2016


We went to California to celebrate my Aunt Bea's 95th birthday.  My Grandpa Bear paid the way for the whole family to go and surprise Bea, something so in the spirit of my Grandma Sara.  

At the airport.

"California baby!"  I don't know that he said it, but that is totally something Dad would have said while holding a bloody mary early in the morning on a Friday.

Boob & Squish

Magic eggs.

Grandpa & Sully

That time your kids wake up at 3:30 a.m. California time and the rest of your family has just gone to bed... so you drive to Napa. 

The guest of honor -- my beautiful Aunt Bea.



...and cousins.

Teething... Harrison style.

Surprise surprise...Asher has found a place to lounge.

These two.

Picture of Grandpa :)

My Hero

Superheroes pick raspberries

And like hanging out with theirs moms

And run like the wind

And play dress up

11 Months

So this time I actually made it on the 11 month mark (instead of a week later...) -- win!  But, I forgot the 11 month sticker.  Oh the differences between first and second babies.  

Sully, I love you no less just because I have stopped being overly diligent about the timeliness and inclusion of props in your monthly photo shoot.

You are amazing and funny and sweet.  We love you so much.

Evidence of teething.  Drooling like a St. Bernard puppy.

Yard yoga.

Asher at 11 months

The Majestic Harlan

He may be a doofus.  But he is a majestic doofus.