Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Radio Flyer Time

Family Photos

We spent the first night at Carly & Brian's, and then took off for the lake.

Trying to get one good picture...

These Two...

My friend Carly makes beautiful, funny, smart babies.  No surprise there.

Oh Canada

Sullivan and I spent the weekend up North with four of the very best.  
Sully & Dom are now BFFs in puppy form, and Carly and I are caught up (...for now, I will need another Canada weekend in about two days).

Sullivan loved the boat house.  And trying to climb between the rail.

This one.  

When Brian took this picture he said "this is awkward".


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ear Infections are a B

Sullivan is struggling through this double ear infection, poor guy.  This weekend has been a mix of keeping him busy, letting him sleep, and sneaking antibiotics into him.

We did officially cross the threshold of tube-dom, and Sullivan will be having surgery on the 28th.  Hopefully we will have an easier winter without him getting socked by ear infections after every cold (he has had 8 ear infections since April... not a good showing considering all that happened outside of cold and flu season...yikes).

Distraction!  Minnehaha Falls.

Mesmerized by waterfalls.

Not so mesmerized... but happy to sleep on mom.

Swimming Lessons

Asher & Sullivan have started swimming lessons!  Sully as a sea turtle.  And Asher has made a victorious swim re-emergence as a sunfish (with an assist from mom, he skipped a few levels and will not be repeating sea lion class as he was supposed to...after miserably failing to meet course objectives last summer... but come on, the kid is three, and thrilled to be a sun fish... so there it is).

Sully was a champ.

Being coached by big brother.