Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Brolson Christmas

It just wouldn't be a holiday without a dedicated Brolson event.

Little Monkeys.

Still monkeying...


Olson Christmas

Grandpa Jim & Uncle Aaron

Christmas Eve Dinner

Little messer interrupting the bible story.

Jim brought down the pair of jeans that Ben wore as a 12 month old to see if Sully would fit.  We had to clip them in the back.  Apparently Ben was a little chunk of a toddler :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

In the words of Bruno Mars, I'm #blessed.

Harrison Christmas

Squish & Boob.

Christmas Morning.
And yes, that is a crab claw in my bloody mary.

Christmas is hard work.

Asher spent most of the trip talking about how excited he is to spend a week at the farm with Josiah this summer.  With no parents.  I can get on board with this plan.


Kids versus grown ups snowball fight.

 Fort building.


Baby Squish.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Hannukah & Merry Christmas

How great to celebrate our family's traditions on the same day this year.

As for me, I'm going to go ahead and steal a quote from the Dalai Llama: "My religion is very simple.  My religion is kindness."

Happy holidays everyone :)

Friday, December 23, 2016

Harrison Christmas

We continued Grandma Sara's tradition this year.  She would have been proud :)

The recipe.

It is easy to cook a feast when you have the best sous chef.

....who wants to wear your lip gloss....

...and matching aprons...

Grandma Sara would have loved this little one. 



Christmas with Grandpa Rich & Grandma Jo.

Happy Grandpa.