Monday, April 28, 2014

Flying Solo

Well, we've made it one day!  Yesterday Ben left for D.C. in the morning and Asher and I began our five day journey together.  Probably wouldn't be such a task except he is teething like a mofo (which means not just insane anger, very picky eating, and terrible sleeping, but a runny nose and diarrhea to boot).  Ahhh the joys of being a parent :)

Right after we got back from the airport I said to Asher, "Daddy's gone, who's in charge?" and I got this look.  Guess that answers that question.

Asher & Herbert

I'm not sure what makes me happier-- when I get hugs or when Harlan gets hugs.

I swear this was not my idea... he has discovered the swiffer and he LOVES it.

Mac & Cheese face

When I say our 14 month old is teething, I don't mean those pesky little front guys.  Asher is teething his molars.  His TWO YEAR molars.  And he is cutting all of them at the same time.  Poor Asher.  Poor everyone around him.

 Last night brought me right back to 2011, when what you see below was what I would have been doing every evening in Hopkins.  Except Harlan would have been Britches, the Big Bang would have been The Office, and there wouldn't have been a baby drum set in the corner.


  1. There is a spot on the couch between Harlan and I with your name on it ;)

  2. awww Asher and Harlan make my heart squeak! :)
