Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 2 Is Winding Down....

Day 2 of Ben being gone is officially coming to a close (meaning it should be closed, but Asher is still moaning over the isn't over until he is fast asleep).

While Ben was at the Institute of Peace all day, I was trying to keep the peace all day.  Asher was a teething handful, but we made it.

After a twenty minute nap (that is short) Asher was up and ready for the rest of the day.  We drove over to Emily & Liam's for a play date.  When we were getting out of the car, there was a problem with the passenger door of the van.  It would open half way then make a terrible noise and spring back to close.  I tried to open it a few more times before deciding to take a closer look.  Which is when I noticed something suspicious (and hilarious).   

It would appear that the tiny dictator shoved his paintbrush scepter into the track.  

We had a lot of fun at Emily's.  It is so nice having a fellow Minnesotan down here in ABQ.  We spent most of our time together talking how much we hate backyards that consist entirely of rock.

Back home... we ended up with 4 hours to kill between the time Ash woke up from his second nap and when it was time for dinner (which means the countdown to bedtime).  You can do all of the following in 4 hours: art, dance party, play the drums, throw balls, take everything out of every cabinet in the house, climb up the stairs and down the stairs and up the stairs and down the stairs and..., go for a walk, check Goodwill for a slide/climber, pick up Ben's birthday present, eat icecream, skype Grandma, tackle Harlan, play with trains, check the mail, read books, empty out every toy basket, practice throwing crayons and cups and cookies and phones, and playing a lot of 'chase'. 

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