Monday, June 17, 2013

The Shower: A New Mom's Saving Grace

How does a new mom take care of herself?  It is so hard to take time for 'you' when you have a new baby.  They are completely dependent on you, and you are willing to forgo nearly anything to make sure that their needs come first.   After Asher was born, I bet I napped for a total of 2 hours the first month.  Not nearly enough.  But I felt like I couldn't miss a thing.  (Of course this led to a few near total breakdowns, so I'm definitely not recommending this strategy to others!).  Now that we are in Albuquerque 'self-care' is an even bigger challenge.  We are far away from family and friends, so it's me and Asheroo for 10-12 hours of the day while Ben is at work (of course when Ben gets home he goes on daddy duty and I get to sit back and relax... thank you Ben!).  It is not easy working 20 hours a week while keeping track of an almost 4 month old.  Add in laundry, cleaning, keeping an eye on  Harlan, running errands, and going through all the motions of starting a new business-- what is a girl to do for herself?  The answer, I have found, is simple.  Shower.

Showering is something I took for granted before I had a baby.  I didn't appreciate a shower the way I do now.  Before a shower seemed like more of a chore.  Now I look forward to a shower the way I look forward to a pedicure or a massage, and here is why:

1) Quiet.  No, showers aren't quiet, but the constant white noise of thundering water is music to my ears after listening to lullaby playlists for hours on end (...soothing for the baby, at times can make the mommy feel like she is going to go crazy...).  

2) Alone.  Not really.  You're never really alone when you are a new mom.  I know that right on the other side of the curtain Asher is sitting in his bouncy chair trying to eat his fist and sticking his legs up in the air.  But the 5-10 minutes in the shower is the closest I get to being alone, and it is truly reinvigorating.

3) Clean.  Example:  Today I was standing in front of the freezer trying to decide between a frozen death cupcake and icecream when I heard "Splat".  As I was holding Asher at the time, I knew he had just spit up.  And as I know that when Asher spits up his aim is impeccable, I knew that while there had been a loud "splat", the majority of whatever had just shot out of his mouth had landed on me.  And that's when I felt the trickle of stinky 4 month old spit up, starting at the base of my neck where he had nuzzled his face, slime it's way down my stomach, shoulder, arm, and back.  Totally covered.  Guess what?  Shower time. 

As I sit here writing, Asher is talking to me in his bouncy seat, trying to eat crinkle paper and discovering new uses for his hands (like putting them in his nose).  And I wouldn't trade anything for what I've got.  Nothing makes me happier than this charming, gurgly little boy. 

But that being said, I am so utterly grateful for the shower.

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