Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Day In The Life of a Nap Trainer

Now when I say 'nap trainer', I don't mean a good one.  I mean a "let's try to figure this out one nap at a time" nap trainer.  Really, we are both being trained.  I've read every website, blog, message board, and pediatric recommendation about baby sleep-- and now I'm actually trying to do something about it.  Kind of.  Sort of.  Half-heartedly trying.  Like I said, we are all learning here.

Today was 'afternoon naps start in the crib' day.  And boy did that fail or what.  Not a miserable failing, but it was far from a success.  His first nap (his morning nap) was on me, and he slept for an hour and a half.  After being awake for about 90 minutes after nap #1, Asher's eyes started to get a little red, he started rubbing his face, and he just stared at me solemnly.  Nap time.  So I gave him his pacifier and started walking him around the house.  Within minutes he was drifting off.  We quietly walked to his crib and I laid him down with Lola Bunny, his pacifier, and a muslin blankie over his legs.  The minute his back hit the mattress his eyes flashed open and he shot me the biggest "Oh hello!  There you are!" grin you've ever seen.  But, determined to make progress, I avoided eye contact and brushed his forehead whispering "Nap time Asher, it's time for a nap".  Then I sat around the corner.  What ensued was incredibly delightful (though not accomplishing our goal at all).  For 30 minutes Asher lay, wide awake, in his crib talking to himself.  He would coo and squeal and yell and gurgle and giggle.  Then he would be silent, as if listening to see if I were coming yet to engage in this adorable conversation.  Thirty minutes in to his great oration, he slowly started to become exasperated and whine.  And then cry.  Admittedly, I let him cry for about 30 seconds before walking back into the room.  As soon as I picked him up he was asleep in my arms, and he took a good 90 minute nap on the couch with me.  We tried the same routine for his second afternoon nap, and it went exactly the same as the one I just described. 

Tomorrow we are going to try putting him down to sleep for his morning nap and see if that goes any better.  I'm feeling out if we are going to try to transition to all naps in the crib, or one or two particular naps.  It will depend on if Ash shows an affinity for crib napping at a certain time (doubtful). 

So, as of this afternoon, this is where we are at.  On the couch.  Snoozing away.  Happy baby.

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