Monday, December 21, 2015

Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go!

We arrived safely in Minnesota on Saturday and had a quick visit with Dad and Joleen in Mankato before continuing north to the cities (Harlan stayed back with his BFF Lulu).  We have been enjoying our time relaxing and playing at Karen & Jim's (which for Asher and I feels like home away from home after 4 months of rooming in) and are very excited for Christmas with the Olsons on the 24th.  Sully and Asher are soaking up attention and loving having an audience and lots of open arms to hug and hold them.

I had my electrophysiologist appointment at the Minneapolis Heart Institute today and got great news.  The doctor is confident that my heart is getting better every day and that by the time we do a cardiac MRI in February it will be back to normal and I'll be able to stop the beta blocker.  If that is the outcome, I will need to do yearly holter monitoring and echos to make sure things are staying stable, but could go my entire life without a cardiac event.   The EP doc has also replaced my previous girl crush, Terri, and is at the top of my list of people I want to become best friends with... my first impression might have been influenced by her holding my hands and telling me I don't have anything to be afraid of (like those psychological studies where they make people walk across scary, rickety suspension bridges and then rate the attractiveness of the person on the other side- they rate them higher because endorphins are surging and heart rates are racing and they are relieved they didn't just die- it might have been like that).  But she is fantastic and I look forward to our yearly dates from here on out.

Other happiness...look at this guy.

Even more happiness... Julia sent a picture of her adorable son Parker kissing Asher's picture.  This makes my heart melt a little (and I cannot wait for these two little lurver muffins to meet!).

Grandma and Grandpa took the boys to Como Conservatory today while Ben and I went to my appointment.

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