Friday, December 18, 2015

Dear McDonalds Teenager, If I didn't think Ben would panic upon finding me absent if he were to wake up, I would drive all the way back to Raton, NM and make you drink a "decaf" coffee right now and see how you like it...

Yes.  The kid in Raton definitely, absolutely, 100% did not give me a decaf coffee at 5:30 p.m. when we stopped for dinner.  Which is a double whammy in that a) I am not sleeping tonight- for sure, and b) my heart is going thumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthump (is it illegal to give someone on a beta blocker caffeine? should be).

Add to it that we are currently in Denver and our room is a whir of grunts, coughs, snorts, sneezes, farts, roll overs, cover kicking swooshes, dog collar jangles, and lip smacking.  All four of my boys (and the guests next door) seem to be sleeping restlessly and with me on what is the Blair-Equivalent of 10 double shot espressos and a pack of cigarettes, none of it is getting by me.  So I finally surrendered to a sleepless night, pulled out my computer, and huddled on the floor to send some work emails and lose myself in some (I know there are more important things happening in the world, but currently- as in 1:30 a.m. currently, when my brain doesn't do 'real life things'- the fact that Kourtney Kardashian and Justin Bieber are hooking up has me utterly captivated).  About fifteen minutes into this, Asher (who apparently can go into stealth mode whenever he pleases like a freaking ninja) silently climbed out of bed, crawled up behind me, and whispered "MOMMY".  Which scared the absolute bejeezers out of me, got my heart racing again, and reminded me never to underestimate my children.  I'm fine sitting here on my computer, everyone is totally passed out.   Except for that ninja one.  He has just been waiting for you to think he is passed out so he can give you a heart attack and snuggle.

Here is some catch up, our week heading up to the holidays:

This little guy.

This one went ahead and got pink eye on Tuesday just to make things more interesting.
(P.S. Trying to get antibiotic eye drops in a 2 year old is like trying to gradually submerge a cat in a swimming pool...while holding them in our arms...when they haven't been declawed)

Drawing for Baby Sully.

Now with flair.

My little left-handed fisherman.

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