Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We Made It!

The Iowa Olsons are now in Albuquerque!

After traveling 1240 miles over three days, we reached our new home Sunday afternoon.  For the most part our journey was uneventful. We stopped in Lincoln, Nebraska Friday and Denver on Saturday.  In Denver Ben and I earned some traveling karma when we called 911 after spotting one of Denver's troubled youth unconscious on the side of the road.  We were taking a walk with Harlan and Asher to let everyone unwind after a long day of driving when we spotted the crumpled up kid in the grass.  We stayed long enough for the ambulance to arrive and then went back to our hotel.  Later that night, Asher formally declared his current growth spurt by going berserk every 2 hours and chowing down like a tiny beast.  We kind of knew it was coming: he had been taking 5 hour naps the previous few days and feeding him had become an ordeal, like I was engaging an enemy combatant.  But we made it!  And although I wasn't a great co-pilot Sunday morning (mama had to nap...) we got to Albuquerque around 2:30.  Here are pictures from our adventure.

Asher and me hanging out while things were being packed pre-moving day.  I think he knew something was going on...

A similar look from Har who becomes a nervous wreck when things are being put into boxes.  

Har's last day of daycare (Thursday May 2- while the movers were at our house all day).  His girlfriend is making her prominent position known.  If I were her owner I would blow this picture up and frame it above the mantle.  

The movers in front of our house on Thursday.

Pictures of the Drive

Leaving Iowa... snow in May. Really.

Nebraska- not much better.

Eastern Colorado- finally some blue skies

The Rockies.

Entering New Mexico- we got bears!

Norther New Mexico- totally gorgeous.

The view from our neighborhood- looking at the Sandia Mountains.

Pictures of the Family

Our Travel Buddha

On the road again!

Daddy and Ash hanging out at the hotel

Me and Ash napping.  I know I have set up a dangerous precedent of having most of his naps occur on me.  We have already discovered how difficult it is to get him to lay down in his crib for a nap... oops.

Beautiful boy.

Asher has learned that fists are for punching.  Totally awesome.  Especially during breastfeeding.

Travel tip: if you are on a road trip with dogs, check out La Quinta Inns.  Ben has informed me La Quinta means, "Your dog is welcome here and can stay for free!" in Spanish.

Our New Home

We have trees!

Our first dinner in our new home.  We don't have any of our stuff, it gets delivered on the 13th.  Our first lunch at 4531 Barrett was sushi that we enjoyed sitting on our kitchen floor, but that is tile and we realized if we are going chair-less, it is more comfortable to sit on carpet.  So for dinner we moved up to (what will be) the master bedroom.  We don't have any kitchen stuff, so we had a lovely meal of pre-sliced garlic bread, cheese, and apples.  That is olive oil for dipping in the plastic cup.  We are figuring it out :)

Asher knows his roots!

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