Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Biscuits & Muskrats

We have had a tumultuous week as far as sleeping goes-- but last night we got back on track.  And yes, I realize I just jinxed myself by having the audacity to put that in writing.  Today was a much more pleasant day for every one after peapod got 15 hours of sleep. 

Mastering the pouty lip... even in his sleep.

Sleep peapod.  (And yes, if you are thinking "He looks enormous!" it's because he is ENORMOUS)

Trying to get Sophie in his mouth.... so close.


The Fantastic Sleep Duo

Chewing on my arm like it's corn on the cob


So.  Best quote of peapods young life happened a week or so ago.  Ben and I were marveling at how much Asher looks like Ben.  He has his lips, he has his chin, he has his hair.  Then Ben said, "The only thing that doesn't make sense are his blue eyes.  Where did he get those blue eyes?".  Oh love. 

The source of Asher's blue eyes.

A new favorite

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