Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Nap Monster

As Asher is almost 3 months old, we decided it's time to think about breaking this baby's one bad habit... napping.  Don't get me wrong, napping is great and our son is a great napper...so long as he is sleeping on a person.  Not cradled in your arms, not in your lap: he needs to be belly to belly, chin to chin.  So how torturous is it to break the habit?  Very.  For both of us.  As the mommy, I love nothing more than my peanut snuggled on me and the idea that the feel of my heart lulls him to sleep is almost more than I can bear.  And the peapod, well, he doesn't really get why things need to change, therefore his motivation is nonexistent.  He spent the entire day cooing and giggling at me through weary red eyes- absolutely refusing to nod off unless heart to heart (which is where we find ourselves now at 5 p.m. because let's face it, I'm going to fold before he does).

Also in the news, he is teething like a mad man and his Sophie is his new best friend.

Here are some pictures from today.

"Nap?? What's nap?"

"I think I'll  just lay here and stare at you until you let me have my way."

"Hmm what is this squeaky giraffe you've given me?"

"Ears taste good..."

"Come on brain!  Connect my mouth to my hands!"

"What about the feet?"

"Oh those are good too!"

"But what if someone takes my Sophie from me??"

"I  guess I'll just eat my bib."

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