Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good

I had a wonderful first mothers day.  Asher and I slept in until 10 a.m. and enjoyed a lazy day together.

Yesterday was my birthday and move-in day.  While Ben led the movers through unpacking our house all morning, I sat on the patio reading a great book ('Bloom' by Kelle Hampton) and getting bear hugged by a napping cricket.  It was perfect. 

The Bad

I wouldn't say this is bad, but Asher has started the stage of wanting to gnaw on everything.  For now it's adorable, but it reminds me that teething is in the near future.

The Ugly

Oh Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben.  Anyone who knows my husband knows he is a self-proclaimed dumpster for food.  Well last night we had just taken a pizza out of the oven when I saw Ben pull this out of a box...

I asked what he was doing and he said, "I need a dipping sauce."  This is when I made a mistake.  I turned my back for one second.  Nevermind that it was to pick up a dropped pacifier to calm a slowly melting down baby, all it took was one second.

You might be thinking, "Oh you biscuit (we are replacing bad words now to protect little ears)... you knew how bad this was going to be and were ready with a camera!?"  No, no.  Ben's total and complete pain-induced freak out lasted at least 10 minutes.  Plenty of time for me to go find a camera and take pictures.  Now you might be thinking, "Ben, what a siss pants."  While I won't defend my husbands judgment, I will defend his reaction.  

You see I realized about 5 minutes in that he hadn't tried your run-of-the-mill hot sauce.  I realized this when he was bent over the sink with his mouth gaping open and saliva was pouring (no joke, I've never seen anything like it) out of his mouth.  After he was able to talk again, he explained he had just put a dab of it on his finger to taste it before dunking pizza in it.  Just that tiny little drop knocked him on his ass (sorry little ears, there is just no other way to say that).  So we read the ingredients.  Ingredient #1, habanero pepper.  Definitely not to be trifled with.  But it was the third ingredient that got our attention.  Jolokia.  "What the muskrat is jolokia?" Ben asked.  And then we learned, jolokia is another name for the ghost pepper.  

The ghost pepper is the hottest pepper in the world.   To give you an idea of how hot, on the Scoville scale, a jalapeno is rated 2,500 and a habanero around 300,000.  A ghost pepper is 1,050,000.  So not only did I feel terrible for laughing (yes, I was laughing very hard while Ben was doing the 'too hot to handle shuffle' across our kitchen), but felt even worse for keeping such a novelty item around the house that my dear husband would inevitably stumble into.  

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