Monday, May 20, 2013

Settling In

We are officially feeling settled in.  Today was my first day being a working-but-stay-at-home mom.  Asher and I slept in until about 8:30, then we had breakfast and cozied up to the computer where we worked until about 11:30.  We took a break for lunch, went on a long walk with Harlan, and then went to the farmer's market.  We are now enjoying a family nap (well, Harlan and Asher are napping) and planning dinner.  

We had a wonderful weekend visit with the grandparents, and were very sad to see Karen and Jim go yesterday, but we have a feeling they will be back soon :)

We were SO excited to get the news of baby Nora Hinkle's arrival on Friday-- congratulations Alicia, Matt, & Amelia!

Here is a photo update of what's happening in Albuquerque:

Asher-- the master of sleeping anywhere at anytime on anyone.

Resting on grandma

 Wide awake baby

We are now giggling-- which is so much fun.

Ferociously sucking on grandpa's arm... after ferociously sucking on each of his shoulders.


A rare moment these days-- a crying baby means one of two things: hungry or ready for a nap.

Our new game 'Fishing for Asher' -- I move my finger a few inches from his face and he lunges at it until he catches it in his mouth.  Then he gnaws on it for a few seconds, spits it out, and is ready to play again.  

Static hair.  Love it.

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