Saturday, May 11, 2013

Asher Loves Twin City Lawncare & Landscape

Asher now fits in his Twin City Lawncare onesie!  Cute pictures of him advertising the family business follow, but first, some other updates.


Har has two nemeses in Albuquerque.  The first, 'bushes that bite back' (what Ben calls cacti).  The second, Asher's rubber ducky.  Harlan hates the crap out of the ducky.  Other than that Har is adjusting really well.

Asher's favorite thing to do is stand and take steps.  Ben loves it, I think it's a terrifying harbinger of things to come (in a year right??  ...if he starts walking at 6 months I'll need back up!).

For Uncle Aaron & Uncle Jarod

Asher's skeptical look

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