Monday, November 10, 2014

When the Cat's Away....

Ben interviewed at Medtronic today and Asher and I made it through another insane Asher day-- complete with falling off the kitchen table, biting his tongue, eating an entire meatloaf AND leftover Chinese food (for three different meals), too short of a nap, and a very early bedtime.

After his nap, Asher woke up like the tazmanian devil, spinning around our house destroying everything in sight.  So I took him to the park where he ran around in circles and went down the slide about a bajillion times.

Meatloaf + Chinese Food First Lunch: Follower by Meatloaf + Chinese Food Second Lunch and Meatloaf + Chinese Food Dinner

Letting him blow off steam at the bookstore.  No, Asher did not build this, but he REALLY liked knocking it all down and throwing the pieces everywhere. 

Aaaand the end of our day.  At 4:00 we were already in pajamas.  At 4:30 we went to check the mail (below)  danced to our jump song, read a book, took a bath, and then Asher was asleep by 5:15.  

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