Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Big Week for a Little Baby

This past week Asher started trucking.  Not crawling, trucking.  He was really insistent on standing and having me walk with him so he could stomp around, and then without warning he was behind his push cart hauling up and down the hall.  When Ben got home we practiced some more, and Asher now walks behind his cart without any help from us.  Scary.  It is looking more and more like he will walk before he crawls.  

Ben came back from Home Depot on Saturday and said "I got you a present!" --  industrial knee pads for all the time I spend crawling after Asher around now that he is walking/running :)

....this look of concentration just kills us...

He actually speeds up to a near-run...Asher buddy...crawl first!

In other news...

The teething saga continues.  We went in to the doctors office on Friday to have a weight check done because it has been 3 weeks of Asher struggling to take his bottle.  Thankfully, we learned that the little moose has gained weight (looks like supplementing with yogurt, blueberries, cheese puffs, apple juice and green olives is doing the trick!).  But today he was back to having a low grade fever (which he has had on and off since the week before Halloween when his first teeth came in).  We have an appointment with his pediatrician tomorrow to talk about what else we can be doing to keep him comfortable, as it is looking like Asher is having to endure the most awful, dragged out teething experience in the history of chompers.  

I'm there.

I had my first "Oh sh*t, I'm a mom" moment on Friday.  Asher and I arrived at the grocery store and I was about to get him out of his car seat when I noticed that he still had a bunch of cereal plastered to his face.  People will judge me, I thought.  But in usual 'super mom' fashion I had left the house without the essentials and did not have a baby wipe in sight.  It took me about two seconds to come up with a solution.  I pulled down the end of my sleeve, let Asher gnaw on it for a few seconds until it was super slobbery, and used it to wipe off his face.  Then I said to myself, Congratulations, you are officially a mom.  

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