Thursday, March 16, 2017

You know you're sick when...

Sullivan James returned to school today, which is excellent.  He seems to have turned the corner on his illness.

Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure I have mono.  Or influenza.  Or TB.  At 1:15 today I was sitting at work and then realized I had fallen asleep, while typing.  I started shivering and wrapped myself up in my sweater blanket (yes, I keep a sweater blanket at work), which did nothing in the way of helping me stay awake.  By 1:17 I grabbed my car keys and was making my way down an elevator, through a skyway, one block over to the parking garage, where I hopped into my car, crawled into the back, used Sullivan's car blankie as a pillow and wrapped Asher's car blankie around me, set my alarm for 2:30 and fell asleep within seconds.  It was a cold nap.  I woke up with cold toes and a cold nose... but I slept hard, and when the alarm went off, I said "dammit" and pulled myself up and out.  I actually felt much better after my little rest and was able to finish the day without falling asleep again.

Why is it that when an 18 month old is sick and falls asleep at random times someone picks them up and snuggles them, and when a 31 year old is sick and falls asleep they have to nap in the back of their freezing cold car and then go back to work?

Adulting is hard.

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