Thursday, March 2, 2017

Asher is 4

This little guy is four years old.
How did that happen?

Dear Asher, 
God I love you.  Since the day you were born, you have had more personality and spark than I ever could have imagined.  We were just talking about how you used to wrap people around your little finger as a 2-month old baby, reeling them in with your big blue eyes and then playing hard to get.  You love being in the spotlight, but you are also sensitive and sweet.  Every day you care and love for Sullivan, and your capacity as a big brother is something I am so proud of.  You are an artist, you are an arguer.  You are a dancer and a rock climber.  You could kick most adults asses in jigsaw puzzling (...don't read this until you are old enough that saying "asses" is okay, which by Harrison standards means 6).  You amaze me with the things you do and figure out, and you make me laugh every single day.  Four is going to be the best year yet.  

You make my heart happy.  This world is better because you are in it sweet boy, I love you.

So many presents... just wants to fly the world's tiniest kite.

The start of the volcano cake (Asher helped build it from start to finish). 

Okay... maybe his job was smushing the cake ground onto the board, filling the river with glitter, and eating frosting... but that counts.

The start of the glitter project...

...the end of the glitter project.

Hanging out with the fam :)

Skyping with Grandma Dot & Grandpa Ed :)

Story time.

Cake time.

...little trooper definitely burned his face on the candles, but toughed it out in the name of cake.

So tuckered out by the end of the night....

...I'm just gonna rest here...

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