Saturday, October 3, 2015

Happy Weekend :)

Asher finished his first week of nursery school like a rock star (then gave me a run for my money yesterday as a berserk and hysterical banshee child) and Sullivan continues to be the best baby the world has ever seen.

In other news, Balloon Fiesta is underway and we continue to hunt poisonous things in our backyard (spiders, fire ants...).  

And that's about all we've got.

Doing what he does best.

Sunrise "Mass Ascension" - Balloon Fiesta.

Ben walking Har.  And Asher.

High desert rain.  Gorgeous.

 At the park- wipe out on the bridge.

Also at the park, this hole that looks suspiciously like....

....a snake hole.  Eeeek.

Double eeek.

Ben & Sullivan

....2 years ago, Ben & Asher.


  1. Okay, obviously I'm reading your posts in reverse. I still stand by the peacock post being my favorite...but daaaaaayum you for posting back to back heart-warmers. Except for the snakes. The snake holes have plummeted this otherwise beautiful post to the bottom of the list.

    1. What I failed to mention in the post is that Asher was laying over that hole, sticking his arm down it, yelling into it...all sorts of safe things...until we realized what it likely was. I mean, in our defense, in what universe does a rattlesnake live under the monkey bars???
