Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pictures + News

Asher's biopsies are normal!  Whoop whoop!  We are still waiting on results of the reflux testing, but the good news is at this point he doesn't have any signs of food allergies, gluten sensitivity, or tissue damage from acid reflux.  We will take it.

We took Asher to the aquarium thinking he would love it more than ever.  WRONG.  He is TERRIFIED of the aquarium.  Whether it was a goldfish or a gigantic shark, he did not like things moving swiftly through the water, especially not when they were heading in his direction.  We were in and out in less than 5 minutes.  We walked across the plaza to the botanical garden, where Asher was much more comfortable playing with trains and running through fields.

Refusing to look at the fish.

Refusing to look at the fish.

Pointing at a jellyfish, while shaking his head 'no'.

The actual picture definition of apprehension.

If Asher could talk in full blown adult English, he would have said, 
"Mom, get me the hell out of here".

Lucky for Asher, his super perceptive parents picked up on the fact that his "no's", face covering, hiding, and high pitched squeals meant he was no longer having fun at the aquarium.  So we liberated him.  To the garden trains.

How Asher starts his day.... Asher finishes his day.

This is the picture that epitomizes Asher at this age.  Pointing at a plane, mouth full of crackers, juice cup and snacks within reach, covered in food, and soaking wet.

Teaching Beckett all about chalk.

Giving Beckett chalk sprinkles.

What my mornings look like.  But throw in some maple syrup sticky hands and dancing to beat boxing and cello playing.