Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Favorite Days

I like spending time with other moms and their kids, I like having afternoons to myself to run errands and clean the house with the Eminem pandora station cranked way up, and I like putzing around with Asher in our backyard while Harlan runs in circles around us.  But my very favorite days are when we pack up, make the drive across town to the botanical garden, and unwind in the most beautiful place in Albuquerque.  There is something about it that is so peaceful- it is well kept, quiet, and absolutely gorgeous.  Maybe I like it because it feels like a mini vacation.  Or maybe because I love walking through gardens and visiting farm animals more than most children.  Or maybe it is because Asher's eyes light up like a Christmas tree as he takes in all the news colors, animals, and sounds.  For whatever reason, the botanical garden is my happy place.  And today was a happy place day :) 

I should clarify, as a whole, the botanical garden is my happy place.  For the most part, it is Asher's too.  With one exception.  The mafia boss cow that had Asher spooked.  Man he hated that cow.  In the picture below we actually walked to the other side of the barn to get away from the cow, but he still kept his eyes glued on it.  Like I said, 99% happy place.

Still thinking about the cow...

 On our way home I spotted a fairly sketchy looking establishment called the 'Taco Cabana'.  An important life lesson I've learned from my dad is that the sketchier looking the taco stand/cart/shop, the better the food is going to be (...try arguing with me and I'll remind you of all the times you got food poisoning from taco food carts (*ahem* maybe the same taco cart?) off Barber Dad...).

I currently feel terrible after eating my chile relleno tacos and queso, but two words:

Literally, I'm pretty sure this lunch has given me my first ever case of heartburn.  I kind of feel like I'm having a heart attack.  Someone might get a text in the next few minutes and be asked to describe what heart burn feels like....

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