Saturday, May 27, 2017

The first brewery running series 5K is complete!

My partner in crime...right about here we were talking about how dumb we were to sign up for a 10K.

Cheer squad!

Matching vegetable tattoos.  The most bad ass gang in all of Saint Paul.

Race swag :)

The magnificent Sullivan James.

Asher's fairy garden.

Triple trouble.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Rainy Days are Bird Day

We ventured into a beautiful little bird sanctuary this morning, despite the rain.   It was beautiful.

Warm Weather

Before a week of rain... we enjoyed some amazing weather.

Just Joy

Bacon flight ahead of a Guthrie show.  Okay.

Still kind of a koala.

Dentisting: Like Bosses

Having a serious conversation with the dentist.

Didn't let anyone look at his teeth.  But sure liked his goodie bag.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

One small step for this round... maybe a giant leap overall?

A year and a half ago I got a rough diagnosis at a rough time and it was a rough holter monitor result that kicked the whole thing off.  22% of my QRS complexes were PVCs (extra heart beats).

We didn't know at the time of the holter, it would be another month until the diagnosis was made, but the arrhythmia was being caused by postpartum cardiomyopathy.

The last year has been an intentional daily journey to a healthier heart.  And I am really happy to report that I have my first piece of good news.  I wore a 24 hour holter ten days ago, and the results came back normal.  Less than 1% PVCs.  Normal. 

My echo and cardiologist appointment are in July, and those will be more telling.  But I am going to take this small victory, and cross my fingers and toes that the hard work shows in the echo.


Life as a State Employee

I have been slowly making the adjustment to cubicle life.  Which includes not seeing out a window, not talking to other humans, and being flooded with fluorescent light all day long.  There is an absence of laughter, natural light and hip hop that has been hard to adapt to, but for the most part, I think I've been coping well.

But when the light went out right above my desk, I jumped on the opportunity to KEEP. IT. OUT.  Because it actually provided some 'shade' in my work space, and life was just better with one less overhead fluorescent light.  As a joke, I left the maintenance guy, who I have a good rapport with, a note.  His house was broken into the night before and I knew he'd appreciate the pick-me-up.

Six minutes after I tacked up the sign- no joke, six minutes later- someone tapped on my cubicle wall and said "knock knock knock" in a sing songy voice.  I had never met this person before, and turned around and said hi.  Which is when she said, with this big silly smile on her face, "You know, as a State employee, you really cannot be offering monetary bribes."  And walked away.  

So.  Yep.  There's that. 

Do birthdays get better than corona and tacos?  I don't think so.  I could be wrong.  
But I've made it 32 years without being wrong so far... soooo.... :)

I'm a pretty lucky mom...

Mother's Day lunch at school.

(I'm the one with arms and legs... and the "big booty butt"... thanks Asher)

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Meanwhile, back in Ballard...

We were happy to report on Saturday that we had made it out of the wilderness in one piece.  No savage raccoon or raven attacks, or falls off the trail, no getting swallowed by quicksand-like mud pits, no deciding to run away with the sea creatures in the cove... no, we emerged from the woods (stinky, muddy, and damp... but emerged).   We drove back to the brew pub we had eaten at the day before, grabbed a cold beer and a pot of clams, and talked about what we want to be when we grow up.

We took the ferry back to Seattle from Bremerton.

While waiting for my turn to shower, I reacquainted myself with Poops.  A cat so like Britches, I think they might be twins.  I miss fur balls.

Once we had both showered, we walked to the nearest pub and then on to sushi.  Where we got seaweed salad, teriyaki green beans, dungeness and king crab rolls, and unagi.   Remember when I said this was a great weekend?

Hanging out with Poops in the morning.

Should really be leaving for the airport... but watching Colbert and drinking coffee instead...

While it was a great trip... I sure missed these peanuts.  It is good to be home :)

Visual representation of Sully spiraling towards a nap.