Monday, January 2, 2017

Asher Quotes of the Weekend

Three year old kids are awesome.  And gigantic pains in the asses.  Lucky for me, my 3 year old is my spirit animal.  He is me, when I was 3.  Karmic fate would have it no other way.  Apparently when you give your parents a run for their money starting at the age of... oh 2 days old...the favor gets returned and you end up with a 'spirited' child.  This came up in Mankato over Christmas when we were discussing Asher's strong will.  Dad shared a story with Mallory where I jumped out of a moving car (his moving car) when I didn't get my way.  I was in middle school, about to start my two years straight of being grounded, and as the story goes, I didn't like what Dad was saying, so I unbuckled my seat belt and bailed.  He drove about 2 mph along side me the whole way home while I stomped down the sidewalk, I'm sure still yelling at him.  It is absolutely amazing he kept me.

So when Asher becomes particularly belligerent, while I am absolutely fighting the impulse to roll up a newspaper and whack him over the top of the head with it, I am also so proud.  Because it is me.  And I know how well that feisty, pain in the ass spirit will serve him later in life.  Of course in the mean time, I have to parent him.  So.

On Saturday we had friends and family over for dinner and Asher and I were butting heads.  He climbed onto my lab at the dinner table and nose to nose with me said, "You are ruining my day.  I'm going to throw a fit."  How do you not laugh?  But I didn't,  I just put him down on the ground and he crawled under the table, to commence fit throwing.

We also have a new routine where when he is losing his cool and can't de-escalate himself, I'll say "let's have a conference".  He will stand up and reach for my hand, and we will walk, holding hands, to the small space in our front entry that is enclosed by two doors.  I turn on the lamp and we sit cross legged on the doormat facing each other to talk.  Tonight I said, "You seem really frustrated."  Asher responded with, "I want to play my guitar and can't find it.  I am hungry.  And I want help cleaning up."  I said, "That is a really good job talking about your feelings, your guitar is upstairs, do you want to help me make dinner?, and I bet if you ask nicely, daddy or I will help you clean up."  He nodded and said yes.  Then he said. "I feel better.  Good talk,"  and walked out.

I love that little boy.

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