Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dear Asher,

You are three years old today.  In your little head, birthdays mean cake and presents and pancakes, and that is pretty much the extent of it.  While I love seeing you excited for these things you love most, birthdays take on a whole new meaning when you become a parent (e.g. there is more to them than sticky sauce).

Being your mom has been the most incredible experience of my life.  At 2:52 in the morning on February 25th, 2013, I held you in my arms and nose to nose, greeted you, "Hello sweet baby... I'm your mommy...I am going to love you forever".  Three years later, I think those words almost every day.  I say "almost" because there are some days I am too busy trying to keep you from jumping off furniture or from washing 'sharps' or from coloring on the tile or from rolling down the stairs in the hamper to actually take the time to 'think' anything...but on those days it is just there.  

This past year you have grown so much.  You went from being an only child to being the most incredible big brother.  You are so gentle with Sully, you ferociously protect him, and you are a super reliable reporter of when he has pooped (because you start shrieking Eeewwwww!!! STINKS!!).   You went from spending most of your time with me to going to Renae's or camp every day during the week.  Both have been the perfect fit for you and you love your time out in the real world.  Nae's is your favorite place on earth.  You always beg to go back as we drive home, and you will ask your Daddy and I, "Is tomorrow a Nae day?" every night before you go to bed.  And from camp, you've learned about friends.  You love talking about your friends.  You go outside with your friends, you play with your friends, you make art for your friends, you aren't supposed to push your friends.  When we asked you what you want for your birthday, your response was, " friends".  Camp is also where you performed in your first Christmas show this winter.  Watching you walk out on the stage, a little hesitant, a little unsure... until you found your mom and dad in the crowd... at which point the switch flipped and you suddenly realized you were safe and you had an audience.  You lit up and you were fearless.  It was the most pride I have ever felt, and I have never loved any one moment as much as I loved being in that room watching you sing twinkle twinkle little star.  You have also developed typical 3-year old traits, with an Asher twist.  You are testing boundaries and finding your place in our family, times a million.  Often we will be sitting on our couch and I will ask you to do something (actually I am usually asking you to stop doing something) and you will throw me this look.  I will look right back at you and say, "Dude I invented that look," and while I'm so frustrated, I'm also secretly proud.  I love your defiance and your stubbornness and your willingness to see how far you can take something.  My least favorite word in the English language is "obedience" and dear child, you are the opposite of it.  But all of that is tempered by you being so sensitive and kindhearted.  You are the whole package little one.

I look at you Asher and I can't imagine life without you.  I can't imagine this world without you. You are audacious and bright, you are kind and funny.  You are adventurous and you are brave and aware.  This next year will be full of fun surprises and change and I'm sure, challenges.  And I can't wait for it all.  I love you so much.


P.S.  Hopefully all these nice things I said about you will make you a little less annoyed with me for posting this picture to celebrate your 3-year-oldness.

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