Thursday, November 19, 2015

One of those days...

Call me crazy, but if hitting his head knocked the naps out of Asher, would re-hitting his head knock em' back in?  I'm ready to try anything.  The day he smacked his face on tile way back in October was the day he stopped napping (confounder alert: that was also the day he stopped having his pacifier).  On days that he does succumb to a nap, it is only ever after at least an hour of screaming and sobbing and multiple escape attempts.   And by then, I mean, what was the flippin' point?  I am so stressed and frustrated and wound up that all I want to do during the 45 minutes that Asher may or may not actually sleep is drink margaritas.   And I've been told you can't really do that when you are home with two small children.  Rules...hrmph.

I refuse to believe that at 2 years old he is done napping (if this was your experience with a child, please do not tell me about it, I need to hold on to the hope that this 'not napping' thing is a crazy phase that he will quickly outgrow).  As I write, Asher is screaming "I'm awake!" from down the hall.  We have been battling for 67 minutes and counting.  Waitress!  One pitcher of margaritas please!

Here is why not napping isn't really going to work for us:

1) He NEEDS his nap.  He is not ready to give up a nap.  On those blessed, miraculous days where he snoozes he wakes up so happy and refreshed and says he loved resting.  On the days when he doesn't, he is a train wreck.

2) I NEED him to nap.  I have work to do.  Not only do I have work to do, it doesn't really go so great for me to stand-up-sit-down-stand-up-sit-down-stand-up-sit-down as I go back and forth between his room and wherever I've set up my "nap enforcement outpost".  That little orthostatic-tachycardia-that-causes-arrhythmias-when-i-go-from-sitting-to-standing thing that I'm dealing with on the daily absolutely hates having to chase Asher around to get him to nap.   When the heart stuff kicks in, my pulse goes through the roof, which tricks my body into thinking I'm in flight or fight mode and anxious which, by golly, I already was since I'm going toe to toe with a berserk two year old.  Double whammy.  So not good for the ticker.

Maybe it is so hard to accept that he is done napping because my expectation (based on observation, anecdotes, and every other kid I've ever known) is that kids struggle to give up their naps when they go to kindergarten... meaning they napped until they went to kindergarten.   So yes, I feel slightly gypped that THREE YEARS of afternoon naps are slipping through my fingertips.

Nap rant over.  For today.  Because Asher isn't going to sleep and I have to figure out what to do with an overtired, flailing hysterical child for the next two hours.

He's lucky he's cute.

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