Monday, April 20, 2015

Move Over Pengin: There's a New Fowl Foe in Town

So at the botanical garden on Sunday, Asher spotted a goose.  

I said, "Asher, don't even think about it, that goose is not nice..he's mean, like turkey. Like pengin!"  But Asher had a crazy, determined look in his eye...he blinked at me twice and then within a split second he was off, rushing the goose to hug it.  Or tackle it.  Or sit on it.  Who knows what his intentions were.

I then said to Ben, "I guess this is when he learns the hard way that geese are mean, every child needs to get pecked by a mean Canadian goose at some point I suppose."  I was half kidding (I would not let Asher get mauled by a goose) but Ben didn't seem convinced  that I was joking because he was already running after Asher, yelling back over his shoulder, "NO, we do NOT let him learn about mean geese the hard way.  He is TWO!"  Well jeez, I know he's two.  But that was when I considered myself off the hook as far as intervention went and started documenting.

In pursuit of goose....

Ben holding Asher back so that Goose could have some space.

Goose pretending he is no longer interested in mauling Asher.

But wait.  Here comes Goose.

Yeah Goose, I see you.  

Goose doesn't give a *blank*.

I mean seriously.  This close to Goose.  Afraid of no one.

Stare down.  I wish I could inflate my sons bravery and say he won...but Goose totally won.

Looking to see where Goose is...while hiding.

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