Thursday, August 28, 2014

Minnesota Update

We made our way up to Minnesota this last week for Asher to be evaluated by the GI team at the University of Minnesota Children's Hospital.  We will get the results of the pH probe (evaluating reflux) and the scope biopsies (looking for food allergies/sensitivities) next week.  Until then, the doctors have said the most important thing we can do is restrategize how/what/when we feed Asher to control symptoms.  They said that alone, many of his issues would be 'normal' (e.g. not gaining weight, weird poop, decreased appetite), but that the vomiting at night is not normal.  So we met with his dietician within an hour of returning to Albuquerque and she is revamping his feeding schedule following the guidance from the GI team.  Asher is still aspirating, so the dietician would like us to see a new speech therapist to evaluate whether or not we should repeat Asher's swallow study (last done in February).  

All in all, we felt like we were in good hands in Minnesota and were very happy to learn that nothing terrible is going on.  But we have a lot of work ahead of us to make sure Asher's dysphagia doesn't continue into childhood.

We checked in on Monday morning and took rides around the med/surg floor until they were ready to put in the pH probe.  

Big fat thank you's to Tim, Karen, Dad, Jo, Caleb, Allie, and Jim for coming to the hospital to help us keep Asher distracted.  All of the action led to him sleeping soundly through the night.

Asher had an additional visitor- his new giraffe friend.

Asher & Willie had matching bracelets.

This is what Asher on versed looks like.  So, so, so relaxed. 

Daddy & Ash in the recovery room after surgery.

1 comment:

  1. Okay...I love your dad. And Willie. And the fact that I get all warm and fuzzy EVERY time I come home to the Harrison Tower. <3
