Sunday, August 10, 2014

August in Albuquerque

August is flying by.  Ben is interviewing at jobs all across the country, we are flying back to Minnesota for Asher's procedures, we've got lots of visitors (Grandma & Grandpa are here now!)... it is a lot of fun, but going by too fast!

When Shana told Adelyn they were meeting up with us for treats, Adelyn said she needed to look pretty for her friend (Ash).  So she dressed up like a princess.  Oh having little girls must be so much fun.

Hanging out in the wagon, eating cheese poofs...the usual.

Asher trying to dethrone Beckett from his old toy.  Beckett weighs 22 pounds (only a couple pounds lighter than Ash) so it was a pretty even fight...

Hanging out with Payson.

The Sleepy Process of Asher Getting to Bed
1.  Lazily eat a bedtime snack

2. Crawl over onto mom and snuggle while watching cartoons

3. In an act of defiance, distance yourself from the people who will eventually make you go to bed (but be unable to convince anyone you are anything other than exhausted)

4. Make it within 6 inches of the tub, before collapsing in undeniable tiredness onto the rug, refusing to move or cooperate.  This is when we officially call it, throw him into pajamas as fast as we can, and turn the lights out.  Sleepy bear.

Needs. A. Haircut.

Woke up feeling not so hot this week... picture of sad, crummy feeling Asher.

And my favorite pictures from the last few days... 
someone has not quite grown into their 18 month jeans yet.

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