Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Father's Day

Care to wager a guess as to what Ben chose to do on Father's Day?  If you guessed "Go to the Natural History Museum to look at dinosaurs" you would be correct.  Love you Benji.

Asher, someday you will realize how amazing your daddy is, and how there is nothing in this world he wouldn't do for you.  He loves you more than anything and you bring him so much joy. 

What is this?  Manatees?

Asher was hilarious.  All the hallways had a slight slope and he just ran around like a crazy person, flying up and down the inclines.  He spent about 2% of his time actually looking at things...98% was dedicated to running in circles with his hands up in the air.

Going for our morning walk with Great Grandma's blankie

Listening to sad music.  Single tear.


  1. I love that Ben wanted to go look at dinosaurs! Now I want to go!

  2. Come to ABQ and I will take you to see the dinos!

  3. Come to ABQ and I will take you to see the dinos!
