Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Today is the Day

Never in a million years did I think I would so look forward to a doctors appointment.  Much less an appointment for Asher.  Much MUCH less an appointment where they would be scratching him and likely drawing blood.  But I am chomping at the bit.  I cannot wait.  I have been looking forward to this more than I would look forward to a beach vacation.  So has Ben.  Last night after Asher sobbed and choked on secretions for an hour before finally falling asleep, Ben and I hugged each other and said, "We are so close to having answers."  It has been incredibly frustrating to have our hands tied.  

My biggest fear is that we are going to leave the appointment without answers.  It seems impossible, but as someone who has gone years with undifferentiated symptoms of their own, I know it can happen, and I know how frustrating it will be.  

We are going with an arsenal of data and information, hopefully the doctor can make something of it, because we haven't been able to.

18 Pictures of Asher's Rashes- Following shots, blood draws, bandaids, eating, and then just the random "well what the hell?" occurrences

Detailed food journal for the last 2 weeks

 Immunization record with reactions highlighted

Symptom Calendar

Our pediatrician visits since October 21st (not including the almost daily calls...)


  1. Asher is lucky to have parents who love him and are looking out for his well being.
