Monday, December 2, 2013

"Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable"

When I found out we were expecting, I had these big plans for having the healthiest, most beautiful pregnancy the world had ever seen.  I would do yoga every day, drink smoothies, meditate, have energy, 'glow'...I'd be the pregnancy buddha.  BAH HAHAHA.  That entire plan went out the window (e.g. green machine Naked juices brought me as close to puking as I ever came), but one part fell apart faster than the others.  Yoga.

Early on in my first trimester I decided to do a Jillian Michaels yoga workout.  I had been sleeping a lot (and when I say a lot, I mean 'napping up until bedtime' a lot). One afternoon, after waking for a brief moment from a particularly sedating couch nap a thought struck me, 'A light yoga workout might help me be more energized and keep me awake'.  Not a bad idea Pregnant Blair, but you forgot one thing... Jillian Michaels is MEAN.  Sure enough, about five minutes into the video I was sobbing. I called Ben at work and cried, "Why is she yelling at me??", a question muffled by my unrelenting tears.  My loving husband, thinking I was actually involved in some sort of conflict, started packing up his stuff, ready to come rescue me.  I could hear him shuffling papers around, zipping up his backpack, and it crossed my (increasingly distant rational) mind,  He is going to leave work to come talk you through this, are you sure that's a good idea?  But Pregnant Blair answered right away...Yes! Come save me from Jillian Michaels, she's a monster!  (Note: Pregnancy makes you c-rrraazzzzzy).  But after a few more seconds investigating what was happening, Ben realized there was no emergency, unless you consider your pregnant wife laying on the living room floor, a puddle of ooey gooey hormones, feelings deeply hurt by a workout video, an emergency.  Long story short, I ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's, changed out of leggings into sweatpants, took a quick 4 hour nap, and never turned on the yoga video ever again.

Until today.

Today I realized that I haven't worked out since the disastrous Jillian Michaels debacle of 2012.  Unless you count Halloween Yoga, but I don't, since it involved leading a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds through adapted beginner poses where we did things like howl at the moon and walk like a crab (or tarantula, when it's Halloween yoga). I mean, what excuse does a healthy 28 year old have for being so inactive?  I started to feel lame. That combined with my slightly more jiggly butt (listen up haters, you can be on the thin side and have a jiggly butt) forced the realization that despite the fact that I do about a thousandillion Asher squngints a day (for those of you who aren't familiar, that is an exercise combing a squat, lunge, and sprint wherein you prevent your newly mobile child from hurting themselves, the dog, you, or something in your house), it was time.  Time to exercise.

Thirty minutes later, here I am, nibbling at a ramekin filled with pumpkin pie cheesecake, thinking to myself, "Did you learn nothing?!".  Because Jillian Michaels, she is MEAN.  Three minutes into the video I was panting and sweating and then she said "Okay, warm up's over!" at which point a lot of swear words poured out of my mouth, essentially exclaiming, "That was just the warm up?!".   I made it another four minutes, although if I'm being totally honest, I exercised maybe 1.5 of the 4.  The other 2.5 were spent laying on the living room floor, feeling muscles (that I forgot I had) burn, and thinking to myself, "Really, what's the harm in not exercising?".  At minute 7 Jillian yelled at me (yes, at me), "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!" to which I yelled back, "That's the stupidest *something-or-other* thing I've ever heard!", and click, the video was off.

I may be lazy, but at least I'm comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. Jillian Micheal's video is not yoga. Someone gave me that as a gift because they knew that I liked to do yoga. I put it in once for a few minutes, realized it was her stealing yoga moves and calling what ever she was doing yoga, I never put it in the DVD player again. Find some beginner Rodney Yee yoga, you will likely find that you actually want to do it.
