Friday, August 2, 2013

Random Pictures from the Week

Time spent not working is usually spent watching Asher.  This is pretty typical.  Asher rolling around on a blanket while Harlan guards the door and mom takes pictures.  

Asher has learned he can reach some of the toys on his exersaucer and stick them in his mouth... game over toys.

"Hmm, I'm just not sure what to think about you little bird..."

"But I bet I could fit your entire tail feather in my mouth... interesting..."

"Mom!  I hit the tiny penguin and he hit me back!"

"I mean why would you give me a toy that hits back?!?!"

Happy in his crib :)

Helping mom work

I love this picture

So we are five nights into sleep training.  Things had been getting incrementally better each night, until last night, when Asher cried for about 40 minutes and got the sniffles and broke our hearts.  We did not cave (although we were very close).  We did eat cookies.  He is sleeping better during the night as he learns how to get himself to sleep, so we know we are doing the right thing... but that doesn't make the sniffles any easier to get through.  

What makes sleep training more bearable?  
A spectacularly stupendous survival kit from Ms. Carly V. Leggett.
 What comes in a sleep training survival kit you might ask?  Lots of chocolate, Canadian whiskey, ear plugs, kleenex, advil, candles, calm tea, and 'hard as nails' nail polish (to be used in that order).  

Little Mr. Poofy Pants after a good night of sleep.

Yesterday Harlan got a birthday cookie for being a rescue dog 
(they celebrate all rescue dogs birthdays on the same day at his daycamp) 
... I really wanted to eat it... it looked like a people cookie...

1 comment:

  1. The mobile above his crib is so adorable (as is Asher!)
