Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Happy Tuesday! (To everyone but Asher..)

Today is shot day.  I know that every parent dreads shot day, and for good reason.  What is worse than paying someone to stab your baby in their perfect, chubby thigh?  Multiple times.  While they shriek and look at you like, "Why are you just standing there?! DO SOMETHING!!"

Yes. Shots suck.  Period.

But shots suck even more when your baby is allergic to them.  
I feel like it's not even fair for that to be a 'thing'. 
'Does your baby have any allergies?' 
'Only to shots.'

I mean it's genius when you're an adult, "Oh I'm sorry, I can't get that shot, I'm allergic."  Voila!  Off the hook!  But Asher needs his shots and this situation is creating quite a bit of anxiety in his mom.
*Deep sigh*  ....The immunological conundrum.  

After Asher's last round we ended up in the urgent care clinic of our pediatrician's office, and as luck would have it, our regular doctor was on call that day.  She confirmed that it was an allergic reaction, and that we needed to be very careful with his next round of shots as his response was becoming worse with each set of vaccinations.  Furthermore, we needed to break up the shots into individual injections to determine if it was a specific type he is sensitive to, or if it is the carrier.  This means instead of three combination shots, Asher will get... well... many.   Bleh.

So.  Here's the plan.  At approximately 4:00 p.m. a nurse is going to make my baby cry.  I'm going to want to throat punch him/her (I'm learning this is a natural response whenever anyone does anything that makes your baby even slightly distressed....Oh hi stranger at the grocery store who makes Asher's bottom lip tremble for some unknown reason... BAM! Throat punch!"   In all seriousness, I've never wanted to throat punch the person giving Asher shots, but I have felt the strong urge to shove them away from him as soon as he lets out his first 'help me!' yelp.  Anyways, moving on.  We are stocked up with hydrocortisone cream and tylenol (for Asher), chocolate (for me), snuggly comfort objects (for both of us), and the after hours number for our doctor in the event that something goes awry.  

This is likely going to be a bummer of an afternoon.... wish us luck.

Some pictures from the last couple of days... I mean, who could give this baby a shot??

Best sleeping position yet.

While Asher cannot yet pull himself up into a standing position, Ben and I realized after looking at this picture that it is time to lower his mattress.

 'Mommy, I just read this over your shoulder and you said the word 'Shots' a lot... What's 'shots'?'

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