Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We've got pictures :)

We had our first unscheduled ultrasound yesterday after a brief scare (everything was fine) and saw the picture below and heard our baby's heart beat. 

First ultrasound picture: August 27th (Happy birthday Aaron!)

Then today we went back for the 'fancy' ultrasound.  This was great, we were able to see a lot more detail and the ultrasonographer pointed out the bladder, diaphragm, feet, stomach (all looked like blurry blobs to Ben and I, but I suppose we'll trust her :)  The baby's heart is beating 163 beats per minute (healthy for a baby, not so much for a grown-up).

When she pushed down on my stomach with the ultrasound, the baby would squirm and punch at it.  Very feisty.  She/he was kicking their little legs and kept bring their hand to their mouth (it is possible it's already sucking a thumb).  

The other thing we learned is that we are 2 weeks farther along than we thought, so I am almost 14 weeks, with a new due date of March 1.  This puts the baby at the size of a lemon. 

Pictures below :) 

 (We think those little dots are toes...)

And a picture of our other 'baby'.  Harlan isn't going to know what hit him.