Sunday, April 3, 2022

Har starts a palliative path.

March was a rough month for old man Harlan. He had a several week period of daily vomiting, some really groany days and nights, and increased symptoms all around of just not feeling well. We have ruled out Cushing's and Addison's, and the vet has told us we have landed on a palliative path for Har through the end of his days. It could be weeks, it could be months- but as an 11 year old mastiff, he is 86 in human years. We won't be doing any drastic interventions so at this point the goal is to keep him as comfortable as possible. These days he actually seems to be feeling better than he did a few weeks back, so that's a big plus. His dementia is getting increasingly bad as well and two weeks ago he 'ran away' (lumbered away) from home for the first time ever. He ended up getting to ride in a cop car and hang out with the police until we picked him up. So needless to say we've got a closer eye on him than ever and he is getting a lot of sausage.


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