Sunday, April 3, 2022

Happy 9th Birthday Asher

Asher is 9! How that's possible I have no idea- but he is.

Ash, you are such a special and amazing human. You are so thoughtful about making sure everyone is included and has something to do when you're with a group of kids. You are a strong advocate for yourself (that's my way of saying you argue about everything... but in the way I did when I was younger, so I love it) and incredibly confident. When you learned this year that someone had a crush on you (Sophia) your answer when I asked what you thought about that was: "Well... I understand why it would be hard to not have a crush on me." So I think you're going to be fine 💗 You remember every detail of everything that's ever happened and love reading- I don't know how your brain is going to hold everything that you take in. Some of your favorite things as a 9 year old: growing plants, gymnastics taking care of animals, polly pockets and LOL dolls, legos, drawing, dying your hair, and super heroes. Your favorite food is crab (you fancy). Your favorite colors are pink and gold. When you grow up you want to be a preschool teacher (like Melissa).

I love you times a billion. Happy birthday Asher 🎇


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