Sunday, April 3, 2022

April 2nd- Spring is here!!

Dad is home!!!

Today we saw our first caterpillar and butterfly! Spring is here!


Mallory and Josiah Spring Break Visit

My beautiful nephew 💙

This is their spot when they're together.

34 years of friendship right there.

"If he fits, he sits"

Scoping out where the hot tub will be by this time next year.

...if you need us we will be at the spa.

Water park.

The ferocity of Asher's goodbye hug says it all. So much crying.


Last Days of Winter.

I keep a journal at the side of my bed. The other day I opened to the first clean page and found this. 
He is the best 💗


Har starts a palliative path.

March was a rough month for old man Harlan. He had a several week period of daily vomiting, some really groany days and nights, and increased symptoms all around of just not feeling well. We have ruled out Cushing's and Addison's, and the vet has told us we have landed on a palliative path for Har through the end of his days. It could be weeks, it could be months- but as an 11 year old mastiff, he is 86 in human years. We won't be doing any drastic interventions so at this point the goal is to keep him as comfortable as possible. These days he actually seems to be feeling better than he did a few weeks back, so that's a big plus. His dementia is getting increasingly bad as well and two weeks ago he 'ran away' (lumbered away) from home for the first time ever. He ended up getting to ride in a cop car and hang out with the police until we picked him up. So needless to say we've got a closer eye on him than ever and he is getting a lot of sausage.


Fun Things.

Bruce in a tutu.


What Sully was up to in March.

Camden over to make leprechaun traps.

Sully made the cutest dinosaur ever- which I claimed as my own. It's a "Valentine's Dinosaur".

Which left this vagina... I mean "Valentine's Pizza"... for Ben. 😂😂😂😂


What Asher was up to in March.

Getting into face masks.


Making pizza

Jennifer came over to teach us how to properly make pizza. It was the best. Ben's life was changed.


Winter Days.

This sweet old man.


Birthday Part

Reclaiming Shoreview Community Center- the last birthday party we did was February 2020 - returned to the same spot in 2022 :)


Happy 9th Birthday Asher

Asher is 9! How that's possible I have no idea- but he is.

Ash, you are such a special and amazing human. You are so thoughtful about making sure everyone is included and has something to do when you're with a group of kids. You are a strong advocate for yourself (that's my way of saying you argue about everything... but in the way I did when I was younger, so I love it) and incredibly confident. When you learned this year that someone had a crush on you (Sophia) your answer when I asked what you thought about that was: "Well... I understand why it would be hard to not have a crush on me." So I think you're going to be fine 💗 You remember every detail of everything that's ever happened and love reading- I don't know how your brain is going to hold everything that you take in. Some of your favorite things as a 9 year old: growing plants, gymnastics taking care of animals, polly pockets and LOL dolls, legos, drawing, dying your hair, and super heroes. Your favorite food is crab (you fancy). Your favorite colors are pink and gold. When you grow up you want to be a preschool teacher (like Melissa).

I love you times a billion. Happy birthday Asher 🎇