Thursday, May 5, 2016

I take that back.

It would have been about two years ago that a story got told at a moms group gathering.  As we sat at a picnic table at a park at 2 in the afternoon on a Thursday, one of the women mentioned how her sister had forgotten that her child was in the car the day before (they had fallen asleep on the ride home) and after pulling into the garage and unloading groceries, had left them in the vehicle until she realized something (someone) was missing.  Panic ensued, and she quickly remembered she had picked up her daughter and she must still be in the car.  The group was aghast.  "She didn't know she had picked up her daughter???"  "She didn't know she was in the car???"  The woman tried to defend her, She is so busy with work and if her and her husband switch pick-up days, apparently it gets confusing and they've had a lot of these near misses. The women in the group gave each other 'concerned' looks that were meant to convey That poor woman, life must be crazy but really meant I would never forget my child, hmph... I remember thinking to myself at the time, "I work and juggle a million thing at home with kids and I've never even come close to forgetting if Asher was in the car or not, that is crazy, that woman must be nuts!".  Fast forward 800 days and what do you know, I take all. that. judgment. back.

Yesterday alone, I left my passport on the copy machine at work (like for good, left for the day and didn't remember it was there).  When I got to Asher's school I loaded him in the car and was walking around the side of the van to my door when I heard a little voice, "Mommy?  Buckle me?".  Right.  It isn't good enough to just put your kid in their five point harness seat, you are supposed to actually secure them in said seat.

I think if I get both kids to kindergarten without forgetting to pick one up or drop one off, it will have been the biggest victory of my life.  ...And I wouldn't put your money on this pony, if I get to the end of summer without a major snafu it will be a miracle.

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