Monday, January 12, 2015

A Day in the Life...

Asher is officially no longer in school.  The director was incredibly supportive and said she agreed completely that he was just not ready and that we should try again later.   Thankfully, his amazing childcare provider Renae was able to take him back under her wing.  So things will be okay for the remainder of our time in Albuquerque.  That being said, we really did a number on him with 1 and a half days of school.  He regressed (literally) and has spent the last week crawling, needing his pacifier, not sleeping through the night, scooting on his butt to get places.  On top of that he is still battling the cough and congestion he has had for over a month.  Poor little guy.  Hopefully there is some balance in his world as we approach his second birthday.

Speaking of 2nd birthdays, we are SUPER excited that my sister and nephew will be flying down to Albuquerque to celebrate with us and be here for his birthday party.  We are so lucky to have the amazing families that we do.

My breakfast date... a little bleary eyed from sleep deprivation.

Ready to go run errands: with every sippy cup and snack bucket he could find. It is painfully obvious how afraid he is that we are going to just drop him off and leave him somewhere without his stuff.  Darnit. 

This is fun.  As we approach two, why wouldn't Asher start collapsing on the floor in despair when he doesn't get his way.  This particular tantrum was especially cute because while sobbing on the tile, he realized he was within touching distance of a toy.  Stay strong Ash.

Favorite new way to get in trouble: climb up every toilet in the house to get onto the counter to get into the stuff we purposefully put up and out of reach (like medicine, glass, matches... agh).

 On our way to the doctor.  Sad little baby.  Fortunately it is nothing terrible and he doesn't need more antibiotics or steroids, unfortunately, there isn't much we can actually do to help him until it runs its course. 

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