Saturday, March 27, 2021

Belated Birthday Post - Asher is 8!

Happiest birthdays to this amazing child. Who makes the world more beautiful and finds a way to make all things sparkle. Asher you were incredibly brave and patient during the last year, completing most of 2nd grade from home. You really missed seeing your friends and being with your teachers, and have blossomed since going back in person. You are reading chapter books, you're working hard on multiplication and division, and have a really strong interest in design and architecture. You are kind and you are smart, and you are really, really observant. You pay attention to the people and world around you, and you are always thinking of things you can do to help people and animals. 

When you grow up you want to start "Harrison Homeless House" and you say we have two things to figure out: 1) How to pay the helpers and 2) how to get really good food so everyone gets what they need to be healthy. Right now we are busy planning how you will decorate your new room, and working on finding you a dance class in our new neighborhood. You and Sully are both playing soccer and t-ball this summer, and we are excited for sleepovers and Grandma's and Grandpa's, camping, and getting to see people we haven't seen in a long time (we miss our family and friends!).

Your next year is going to be a great one- I can tell. Love you so much, and so proud of who you are.

Love, Mom

Birthday card from Sully 💗


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