Today our baby is 20 weeks old :) Which means I am halfway done with being pregnant, and I must say, that's a little said because so far being pregnant has been fun! No excuses required for excessive napping and eating and people are nicer to you (especially the women that work in maternity stores, my god I swear you've never met a more accomodating, joyful bunch in your life..). Of course not having morning sickness, or any sickness, makes pregnancy a bit more enjoyable (or so I've been told...).
At 20 weeks our little boy weighs about 10.5 ounces and is 10 inches from head to heel (the length of a big banana). Up until now he was totally curled up, so they measured him from head to butt, but he is going to start stretching out and will be measured by his total body length from here on out. Also, he has taste buds now and there is evidence that babies & children are more open to flavors that they experienced inutero after they are born, so a little pressure on me to eat a variety of foods and not have a baby who is craving reeses pieces and cheetos :)
Ben and I have two names picked out, and while we say them out loud at home all the time trying to decide if one is better we have a feeling we will need to meet him before we pick his name. And yes, we are going to keep his name a secret, he will get to be the first person who hears it :)
Everything else is going great in Iowa! We were able to visit with Ben's Aunt Michelle and cousin Nick last night as they passed through Iowa City, which was great. And this weekend I'll head down to St. Louis.
Harlan is doing great. He is entering hibernation mode and does not like waking up while it is still dark outside. But we make sure he gets plenty of activity even though he would rather be napping :) This picture is from doggy daycare on Wednesday.
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