Saturday, September 1, 2018

Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Sullivan James

Dear Sullivan,

Oh my gosh, did you ever turn three.  Like in the week leading up to your birthday, you officially turned three.  More than ever your favorite word is 'No', only the way you say it, you draw out the 'O' and end it with a '?', like you want people to really question what they just asked you to do, and then rethink about whether or not they should have spoken.  (I don't know where you get couldn't be from your mother...).   Your brazenness and state of constant rebellion sometimes border on contempt, and when those moments happen it is so hard not to laugh.  Your face gets very serious, as you do whatever you are going to do to demonstrate your distaste of what was requested of you or insisted upon.  The other day I told you that the shoes you were wearing were too big, and that you needed to wear the tennis shoes you have until you grow into the new ones Fritzy gave you.   You walked away from me, into your bedroom, towards the basket of (too big) new shoes.   You waited until I followed, and then when I was there and could see you, you held eye contact with me while you slowly, calmly upended the basket of shoes and then deliberately pushed them with your feet around the room, littering the space with the shoes I had said you couldn't wear.   I have to admit, just like with your brother, when I see these traits emerge I feel this immense pride and sense of " are mine and you are me, I know who you are because we are each other".   Irreverence, in the very best way, is in your future; there is no escaping that.  I also feel like "Oh shit it's going to be a long 15 years" because of those same things :)   But here is the beauty of your opposition; while it is so much a part of who you are now, it isn't all of you; there isn't a day that you don't amaze me with your gentleness (and you have always been this way).  You adore your brother so much and you love when he helps you and plays with you, all you want is to be near him.   And you have the sweetest little manners, you always say thank you and ask so nicely for what you want.  And when we push each others buttons and you push and push until finally you get in trouble, the moment I have to sternly talk to you, your bottom lip starts quivering and you get tears in your eyes and you just say to me, "Mommy"... and we deescalate just like that.   Because while you might be the punchiest, kickiest, most ball-oriented child I've ever seen (as your school teachers love to point out at conferences, you are off the charts in your gross motor skills), you have always been, and continue to be, the cuddliest, snuggliest little boy.   I know the days are limited of you wanting to climb onto my lap to finish your dinner ( do this thing where you look at me, then start pushing your plate and your cup towards mine and I know you are about to hop off your chair and wander over to me so that you can finish up from the comfort of my lap) and to wiggle under my arm with your head on my chest while we read books or tell stories... you are growing up so fast and will soon be too big and too busy for every day snuggles... but I am thankful for every one of those moments.  You are a beautiful, capable, kind human.  And it is my greatest joy to be your mother.   I love you Sullivan.   ~Mommy

 Birthday eve snuggles...

 Good morning, birthday boy!  
Opening presents from Grandma Dot

Suls got a new ball.   And hasn't let go of it since.  Including at night.  Literally.  Turning 3 also meant giving up his pacifier at bed time, which has actually been a pretty smooth transition because now he just sleeps with a ball.   Hey a comfort object is a comfort object.

Birthday boy at school

Birthday party at Lake Josephine with friends and the Olson family.

Celebrating with the Nathan's - there was a little bit of a 'hand in the door' incident, but we bounced back.

Grandma Julie & Grandma Hillary sent a guitar and boxing gloves & a punching bag...

Sullivan's Favorite Things as a 3 year old: riding his bike at Dad's, playing basketball, soccer, baseball (any ball), crackers, Asher, painting, reading books (especially reading books to you), being outside, puppies, walking to the park at moms to watch people play basketball, being with his grandparents, snacking, playing in water, his electric toothbrush

Sullivan's Least Favorite Things: wearing a shirt, being told no, going to bed

Back in time... to Sully's arrival....

One of my top ten favorite hours of summer....

Annie moved to Minnesota!  My heart couldn't be happier about that, or about her finding a wonderful partner to share the next phase(s) of her life with.  It isn't often you spend time with couples that have a palpable connection, but being around these two is such a pleasant experience because they exude warmth and love and it kind of bounces off of each other and swallows up everything and everyone around them, it is weird.  There is like an actual energy thing happening between them.  Anyways.  :)
The boys and I spent some time with them not to long ago, and these might be some of my
favorite pictures of all time.

Getting ready to race...

Last day of preschool

Yesterday was Asher's last day of preschool and Sullivan's last day of being in the toddler room.  I can't believe they are growing up this fast, but they are both so ready for their next adventure.   They are going to thrive with their new crews, and I can't wait to watch them continue to become who they are.   Love you little boys :)

Asher with Teacher Rachel

Yesterday we also had Asher's open house at Saint Anthony Park Elementary where he got to see his classroom, drop off his school supplies, talk to his teacher, and meet some of his new classmates. 

Ash with Melissa

More random summer fun

Sully got new shoes... which makes a Sully about as happy as a Sully can be.

Riding to the park for a picnic.

...preparing to ride back after dinner and some playground time.  With dessert.

Honestly I don't have words for this one.

Visiting the sloth at the zoo.

Asher continues to be one of the most creative and artistic children I've ever met, and loves to decorate everything.  Every inch of my house has an 'Asher touch' to it.   This little corner of his room is currently my favorite installation of Asher art.

More Nature Walks

So focused on what we might find (he is an expert spotter of tiny frogs and baby turtles...)

So focused on his snacks.

Pit stop to do art for a little while... uh huh, I love it so much.