Halloween started early. Like at 10:30 pm on October 30th when Sullivan woke up, and stayed up. Sully and I visited our favorite pediatrician bright and early this morning as a walk in appointment and sure enough, he has an ear infection and enough gross drainage everywhere that he is getting antibiotic ear drops and an oral med to try to kick this never-ending bug. Poor guy was so wiped out from two nights of not sleeping he fell asleep on the clinic table during Dr. Bryson's exam. Slept right through getting his ears checked.
But he was feeling much better by the end of the day when it was time to get our trick or treat on.
We trick or treated with Allie, just once around our block, handed out candy to about a dozen neighbor kids, then turned out our lights. After the boys were down, Ben and I watched the football game and raided Asher's candy stash. Not a bad night.
Here's a little throw back to dad and I trick or treating when I was about Asher's age.