Sullivan James Olson was born on Monday, August 24th at 12:36 p.m.
8 pounds 6 ounces | 20 1/2 inches long
Ben and I drove to the hospital Monday morning after two nights of laboring at home without making any progress: time for an induction!
Super excited :)
By 8:30 we were all checked in and hooked up to cardiac monitoring and by 9:30 we were talking with the doctor about what our 'birth plan' was.
Birth plan = safely bring our child into the world after the longest 9 months of our lives.
Because I'd been in labor since around midnight Saturday, things were pretty much underway by the time we came up with our official plan. I labored at the hospital for about an hour before we started an epidural and a small dose of pitocin, and in an hour I was at 10 cm, full effaced, ready to have a baby. The doctor came back and broke my water, and said "this next part could take 20 minutes or 8 hours" ... we stayed on the 20 minute end of things.
The IV started Dad & Ben decided they should try to fix it. NURSE!
Ben tells me I only had to push through 4-5 contractions, and there he was. Our littlest love.
I love this picture- you can see Sully's foot if you look closely.
Getting checked out by the supporting cast: Dad & Karen were able to be there for the birth.
Healthy as can be.
Asher meets his brother :)
Proud Grandpas
Our Twins...
Sullivan James
Asher Harrison