Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 1 with Sullivan

It is official, after one week I'm confident saying it...we have the best baby ever.  
(...Is that what all parents say?).  We couldn't be more in love, Asher is adjusting wonderfully to being a big brother (with a few hysterical outbursts here and there), and Sully is the sleepiest and most content child (...we definitely did not say that with Asher!).

In need of a diaper change...this picture is still one of my favorites.

Harlan the amazing floating dog!

First bath.

Snuggles with Grandma Jo.

More snuggles with Auntie Mingo and Uncle Tim.

Aaaaaand more snuggles with cousins Halle & Aidan (yes, all this child does is snuggle).

Sullivan James is Here

Sullivan James Olson was born on Monday, August 24th at 12:36 p.m.

8 pounds 6 ounces | 20 1/2 inches long

Ben and I drove to the hospital Monday morning after two nights of laboring at home without making any progress: time for an induction!

Super excited :)

By 8:30 we were all checked in and hooked up to  cardiac monitoring and by 9:30 we were talking with the doctor about what our 'birth plan' was.  

Birth plan = safely bring our child into the world after the longest 9 months of our lives.

Because I'd been in labor since around midnight Saturday, things were pretty much underway by the time we came up with our official plan.  I labored at the hospital for about an hour before we started an epidural and a small dose of pitocin, and in an hour I was at 10 cm, full effaced, ready to have a baby.  The doctor came back and broke my water, and said "this next part could take 20 minutes or 8 hours" ... we stayed on the 20 minute end of things. 

The IV started Dad & Ben decided they should try to fix it.  NURSE!

Ben tells me I only had to push through 4-5 contractions, and there he was.  Our littlest love.

I love this picture- you can see Sully's foot if you look closely.

Getting checked out by the supporting cast: Dad & Karen were able to be there for the birth.

Healthy as can be.

Asher meets his brother :)

Proud Grandpas

Our Twins...

Sullivan James

Asher Harrison