Happy Halloween! We spent our day doing regular Halloween things: eating cupcakes, bonking our heads on things, napping... such a good start to the day.
Ben came home a little early so that we could get our costumes ready.
Asher watched us, half asleep, from the bed.
Once we were ready to go, we hightailed it to Loma Colorado to trick or treat at two houses:
Renae's and The Miller's.
We went to Renae's first, it was only 4:00 so she was still babysitting Cora and Dave was putting up their Halloween decorations. But Asher got to play with the puppies and trick or treat. Then we went to the Millers.
Ashley had the most adorable costumes for the boys.
Asher was our zookeeper-- what you can't see is the "Ash's Zoo" on his shirt, and he wouldn't wear the hat. But we got him to carry the net!
Eating all the loot out of his net on the way home. A successful first trick or treating!