We tried. And we failed. On Wednesday we did things my way. When Asher started to fall asleep during the day I immediately moved him to his crib or bouncer so that he could learn how to sleep somewhere other than on top of me. What did this result in? No napping. Sure there were five minutes here and there, his daily twenty minute snooze during our morning walk and the inevitable dozing while in his car seat during errands-- but other than that, NO napping. So Ben and I, naive parents that we are, thought "Well it's not so bad, he will sleep really good tonight!". Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. It turns out when babies are exhausted they don't sleep better, they sleep much worse. Like orders of magnitude worse. So Asher finally went down around 11 p.m. and then was up every 2 hours. Fail. Total fail. So yesterday morning Asher and I had a pep talk. It went something like this, "Fine, we'll do it your way." After conceding the nap battle to my baby, we had a much more pleasant day and a lovely evening. He took two very long naps laying on me and then went to bed around 8:30 and only woke up twice to eat. He even made it through his typical morning fussy period without a peep. So, on the eve of Asher's 3 month birthday I have accepted the truth that this little 15 pound nap monster is going to get his way. We will try this whole 'sleep training' business again in a few weeks.
So I was thinking, 'Maybe it isn't SO bad. Maybe he naps all the time and because I'm focusing on him napping on me that's all I'm thinking of." Wrong again. (Nothing like being a parent to make you realize how wrong you perpetually are...). Here are just a few of the pictures I have from my phone of Asher and I- and they start when he is about 3 weeks old.
Sure, super happy about how cute this is way back then.
Little did you know you were creating a nap monster.
Starting to realize that this may not have been the best habit to form... although truth be told I still wouldn't really have it any other way at this point in the game. It's more that I fear for the future. I don't want a 5 year old that won't take a nap unless he is laying on his mom... not good for Asher, not good for mom.
I have stuff to do! And I don't want him to get made fun of, he already faces great adversity with his denty ear.
Yep, now we've got the dog in on it. Fantastic.
My biggest confession-- as I write this blog post, this is exactly what's happening...I'm a sucker.